Saturday, June 11, 2005

Refined Definition of Play

"Play is creatively exploring and finding contentment in life's pursuits: leisure, work, & self-understanding." - any comments, suggestions? I have refined this definition from a number of posts and the contributions of others but I am willing to tweak it further with your help!

When play is defined as simply amusement (the typical dictionary definition) or having fun it seems too trivial or even shallow. As well, work and play are often put against each other as opposites but I have experienced play as being a component of work or vice versa. In fact, when we are most effective and creative in our work - the joy of play has clearly occurred! Is not every innovation the result of a brilliant mistake while playing at work?

Children use play as the primary means of learning new skills - why do we as adults ignore the value of play in our education? I get asked a number of times a year to lead team-building initiatives or challenges. What seems like a simple game, is in reality an amazing opportunity for self-understanding, teamwork, creativity, a recognition of strengths & weaknesses, leadership, etc.


1 comment:

R. said...

I think the new defination is good. We should open our minds to play being not just for fun sake but a necessary part of human improvement.