Showing posts with label books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label books. Show all posts

Friday, May 30, 2008

Four Questions To Consider When Dealing With Risk

I read Ben Carson's book Take The Risk back in November last year and my last post reminded me of Carson's thesis when considering risk. It was one of those amazing finds in airport bookstores that I sometimes am blessed with. I think it was on my way to Atlanta or on the way back that I found it. Very good read! I think Tony Dungee does the forward and hey any book on risk is bound to attract a danger addict like myself.
Carson is a neurologist who faces risks headlong everytime he operates - ever wonder how a brain surgeon deals with the life/death question with patients - read the book. Carson suggests these four questions to consider when dealing with risk:

What’s the best that can happen if i do this?

What’s the worst that can happen if i do this?

What’s the best that can happen if i don’t do this?

What’s the worst that can happen if i don’t do this?

Sunday, September 26, 2004

Reading Paul in a Postmodern Context

What would happen if Paul would write a letter to a postmodern audience? Well Brian Walsh & Sylvia Keesmaat did just that - they recreated Colossians in a very interesting way! Have a peek at their manuscript in pdf format: Colossian Targums. The book is entitled Colossians Remixed: Subverting The Empire and will be available from sometime in November.