Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Ready to Ride...

Spring is in the air and my legs are ready to spin through the Sandilands hills. Yep the Anthem1 arrived and I put it all-together - very sweet ride & amazing looks! I'm hoping I'll prefer it over my Trance which I hope to sell - even if I will miss the extra 1" of travel I am looking forward to a lighter bike this season. The hills are calling and I'm hoping the rest of this snow just disappears. Road-wise the Alliance A-1 is just trippy and superlight - when I pick it up it feels like I could throw it like a paper airplane...the asphalt calls too - time for speed!


Jeremy said...

Looks like a pretty sweet ride...makes me a bit jealous. I've been thinking of going to a more cross-country-oriented bike this year too, but I'll probably be too cheap and/lazy to do it.

Garth said...

Well - the cool thing is I have one of the bike's paid for because of two teaching gigs on top of my regular job. And I hope to sell the other shortly...I also get the bikes for dealer cost which knocks them way down. I'm plain ol' jealous that you are out riding already...I can hit the streets but our trails will still have snow for another 2 or 3 weeks.