Thursday, March 15, 2007

Pictures & Personality

Here's an interesting exercise entitled the Imagini Visual Profile that describes a person's personality in response to mood, food, love, habits, etc. by the participant choosing their favorite images. These images interestingly correspond to our personalities & interests. I would have to admit that however you choose pictures, a personality is spun in a positive way. My honest favorite images result in me being described as:
Mood: - adventurous, pioneering attitude, unconventional when it comes to art, good sense of humour, music is the soundtrack to my world, I like to escape reality from time to time. - all true!

Fun: - you love physical activity, spirit of adventure, adrenalin rushes, take risks & push limits, holidays are about exploring, etc. - also all true!

Habits: - you never have enough rest - either too busy or too exhausted, snooze is your best friend or worst enemy, you have a relaxed approach to life & the environment, caffeine, etc. - mostly true!

Love: - a real romantic and bit of a dreamer, freedom is about energy and activity, exploring your boundaries and pushing limits, etc. - mostly true.

All in all the profile is pretty accurate for where I am at right now - have a try & let me know your results as I'm always curious!

1 comment:

Keira said...

I'm a dreamer, escape artist, back to basics, and home soul, apparently.
The art one was the hardest because I would have liked to pick three or four pictures. Also favorite landscape was really difficult because so many appeal to me . . . but I haven't lived anywhere for long periods of time except for the prairie so I don't know which landscapes I'd get tired of.