Saturday, December 09, 2006

Friday Night Lights

One of my favorite movies about football is Friday Night Lights. It is a dark movie in someways, even the lighting at times is eerie, and the soundtrack is so emotional, by an amazing instrumental band - Explosions in the Sky. I heard in the fall that a spin-off tv series was going to be made but I never bothered to check it out until now. I watched the first episode and was blown away - it actually had a movie feel to it and the character development for a pilot was pretty amazing. There is a bit of a spiritual resonance to the series without it being preachy - it just sort of captures life in a Texas town that is focused on high school football to the point of definitely is worth the peek and you might just stay hooked on the show like I seem be becoming!

1 comment:

Garth said...

Cool - glad you follow it as well - I'm still catching up in the series - i'm about 3 or 4 episodes behind...