Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Meeting Poverty In Our Backyard

This Wednesday I have the privilege to introduce my first year college students to poverty, the world of addictions, in the context of the inner city of balmy Winnipeg. These eager students (actually some of them are quite afraid) will be volunteering at foodbanks, serving at soup kitchens, hanging out with kids at drop-in centres, and hopefully connecting with the urban poor. Why? To expand their understanding of community and mission, two key values of the institution I'm employed by. And hopefully, bring compassion to those less fortunate and here the stories of people who have faced poverty firsthand by birth, loss of job, mental health, addictions, or by simply making some poor choices in life. I love to see my student's worldviews expanded in this setting. I've had some students who decided to stay and do their part in working with the poor. It is a complicated issue poverty and it obviously isn't simply about giving handouts but clearly we as humankind are called to reach out to those in need. For some reason, we sometimes find it easier to sponsor a child across the ocean than to respond to the need in our backyard. Why is that?

Whatever the case - I am faced with lots of scheduling details, travel logistics, and unfortunately a lingering cold that has threatened my voice numerous times this weekend. Your thoughts and prayers are appreciated as I do my part in leading this missions exposure week from the 1st to the 8th. We will be working with organizations such as Siloam Mission, Inner City Youth Alive, Salvation Army, Gospel Mennonite Church, Living Bible Explorers, Union Gospel Mission, YFC Fire Escape, and Winnipeg Harvest. The week goes by quickly but it is tough being away from family.


Yasser Rahman said...

Thats a great thing your doing, staying in a country like India, poverty is something that i see everyday, infact , the only reason i dont look outside the glass of my office cabin is cause those poor people on the road will distract me, i only look at them when Im leaving the office, and hopefull il have something to share...

Garth said...

Thanks for dropping by Yasser! I've had friends visit India and share about the poverty they saw first hand there as well. My sister works in the country of Ethiopia with people much worse off than those in our urban areas but obviously need is need. She teaches English and other subjects with Sudanese refugees who are preparing to return from exile to their native country. I have been to Ethiopia and admittedly India is a country i've long considered to visit!