Tuesday, June 08, 2004


Well - it's the eighth of June and we are nearing the date of the "big move." We've lived for eight years at our current residence and so it is with fear and trepidation that we pack up our belongings. Why do we keep the things we keep? I admit to being a collector of books, of music, of movies, of pictures, of memories - but I also unfortunately collect knick knacks.

My two favorite collections include a nautical collection of ships, lighthouses, compasses etc. and a collection of coke & other soda company bottles. I also have a small collection of coins/currency from places traveled, pez dispensors, gi joes, rocks & shells... At least I don't collect stamps...

This moving thing obviously has triggered thoughts on materialism and I just don't know why we as humankind like to collect things... It's not like we actually have any real control - a simple flood or tornado or fire could take it all away! Pictures seem to be the most important thing to keep as it triggers memories...

Well - back to packing & packing & packing...


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