Thursday, November 24, 2005

Looking For Some Comments

If you look above to my header - you clearly see what the focus of this blog is all about - exploring the role of play in our lives. So here I am attempting to generate some comments on that very topic. I know I have a number of blog visitors who so far have never posted a comment. Perhaps this is in part due to shyness or maybe you just haven't found anything to really comment on but here's your big chance to "come out of the lurker's closet!" What are your top ways of exploring play? What do you enjoy doing to get away from stress or work (that is if you can't play there)?

Obviously for myself - mountain biking is my favorite escape into playdom. It's relatively easy to do and quite economical once you have a bike. Especially if you can bum rides off of friends! Right Pat? I'm paid up now I suppose! Other forms of play include - being creative with photography, just relaxing & spending time with Wendy, playing with my kids, table games like Settlers of Catan or Carcassonne, swimming at our local pool, kayaking or canoeing (preferably whitewater), & skiing in the winter. I could continue but those are probably my favorite ones. I definitely tend to prefer the outdoors as my environment for play - winter tends to quash that somewhat unfortunately.

So yeah lurkers or regular posters - what is your favorite way of exploring play? I know you are out there!!!


Jason said...

I really don't know where you get all that energy from. My only form of "play" would be my XBox (which broke on the weekend). I don't do anything except that, and sit in front of this screen. I did get on my bike once last year, but then work took over and I didn't have the time to go again.

Also, at work I drag around 100lb ladders all day, so I get plenty of exercise that way. By the time I get home I'm so burnt out I don't want to do anything else. Can you blame me though? How much energy would most people have after lifting 100 pounds of weights for 7 - 10 hours a day? Not too much.

Hahahahaha! I just realized I'm trying to justify my laziness to you. I should stop. When I'm not working (like right now) I'm a complete lump of mush. I'm lazy, I'm fairly famous within my family for being a superb procrastinator. I feel no shame for that. That's sad.

anonymous said...

Play for me right now would be to just hang out with friends and relax - do whatever! Anything that isn't work - I'm not "playing" there much these days. Just doing the grind...

I think it would be cool to get paid to play though like some of the professional athletes are!

pmd said...

One of my favourite ways to unwind (at least brain wise) is to fire up one of my many flight sims on my Apple PowerBook, specifically F/A-18, Falcon 4.0 and Fly! The former two being military flight sims, the latter being a civilian flight sim.

I find it a great way to immerse myself in the exciting yet safe virtual world of computer aviation. There's nothing quite like ditching a jet going over Mach 2 into the side of a mountain, into the ocean, or into your own wingman. (grin)

I realize this is going to sound like an ad, but the above is made all the better with a complete computer flight sim gear setup from CH Products (, including their Fighterstick, Pro Pedals, and Pro Throttle. Hmmm...I should really get their Flight Sim Yoke to improve my civilian flight sim experience.

During spring, summer, and fall, my mountain bike provides me with countless hours of play.

I should really look into getting a pair of cross country skis for winter fun....any recommendations on skis?

regards, pmd

Garth said...

Hey anonymous - your post reminds me of when I get together with old friends and stories that come out from when we explored play a little too far! Like getting cop cars dispatched! The crazy things we do in our youth - not always smart things mind you.

I've gotten paid for doing things I love doing like canoeing or mountain biking - definitely a play-full work environment when that's the case. Although I don't think any of us can imagine a paycheck like some of our professional athletes make - that's just plain obscene!

Garth said...

PMD - thanx for posting! I know you read every now and then but it's great to have you contribute. I used to do some flying myself with simulators and the real thing too. I of course never actually flew anything like a fighter jet but I've had fun in little Cessnas back in the day.

I didn't know you were into mountain biking - you should come out sometime next spring to the sandilands with me and Pat! I still remember the days of cruising with minibikes all over Riverside & Rosenort.

Hmmm...skiis I'm not sure what to recommend - I don't have anything super high end, I'm not even sure I remember my ski brand - maybe Atomic. I bought my skiis about 5 or 6 years ago through Olympia on St. Mary's and they do me fine. I may post later what type and brand they are...

Garth said...

Jason - gotta love the Xbox! How did it break?! I still have an old school N64 - better than the Colecovision I grew up with I suppose. What is it you exactly do for work? I know you go to ski resorts every now and then and obviously from your posts you get a work out from lifting ladders - do fix skilifts or something?

Oh and I like to think of procrastination as a means of doing things in the least amount of time.

Jaime Lee said...

Is shopping considered play? Because that's what I enjoy the most when I am in need of some serious unwinding from a hard week at school & work! I also love to veg. infront of the tv and catch up on all my favourite TV shows that I have taped from the week...CSI is the ultimate relaxation show for me. I get very into it. I guess I "play" along with the agents :)
Great way to get people involved G! I need more of this on MY blog too. Maybe I just need to start blogging more!!!

Garth said...

Shopping for you might be play but I can think of another four letter word to replace it with this time of year...the malls are insane!

I think the cool thing about the concept of play is that almost anything can be considered play if it allows you to be engaged in anything opposite of the doldrums. Does what you call play allow you to be creative? spontaineous? feel alive?

"Play is creatively exploring and finding contentment in life's pursuits: leisure, work, & self-understanding." - gf definition