Friday, January 20, 2006

Restless Staying At Home Syndrome

I'm a little restless these days and I'm not entirely sure why. Going to Green Bay was an excellent escape but it was so temporary. I find that January & February are typically the months in which I am most edgy. Maybe it is the Manitoba weather, the lack of sun and the drudgery of shovelling snow? It could be worse - I could be in Seattle or Vancouver and dealt with 30 days of rain! In fact, we've had a phenomenal month of weather with many days of negative single digits - sure beats minus 20 deep-freeze. I have a number of friends who are travelling south and maybe that is it.

As someone in the educational scene I have the luxury of holidays in the summer but none in the winter when you really want to get away. I have a travel agent that regularly emails me cheap airline holidays and I've been tempted to just say class this week I'm off to Cuba. Yeah right! We hope to do some travelling this spring but it seems so far off! Well I suppose I'll just have to wander off in my mind for now...hmmm where to next New Zealand maybe? Fiji?

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