Sunday, March 20, 2005

So little time!

Time - our greatest enemy in life! Why are we so bound to the sweep of the deadly arms of the clock? Have we all become trapped by their mesmerizing swirl like flies to the deadly light of a zapper? Does this whole time-thing exist so we are better able to make use of numbers instead of words? Seems like the evil plot of a mathemagician to me! I for one have always been more comfortable with poetry & prose than with numerology. Mathematics seems so droll & monotonous compared to the flow of a sentence. Even if words take us over the edge sometimes, at least they can excite us whereas numbers merely make us shudder. Hmmm...must be tax time or something! How is that for random musings? It is better to live life to the fullest than to keep track of it with a timepiece! Let's all throw off our cheap Timex's and go back to the rhythm of the sun and moon! Pry off those numbers from your keyboard and let the letters form sentences that inspire!


Ever feel that you are who the Beatles were referring to when they sang about the "nowhere man?"

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