Monday, January 10, 2005

Risk, Reflect & Leave a Legacy

I heard this story last year and it continues to resonate with me. A researcher interviewed a number of 90 year olds in a seniors home. He asked the question, "What would you have done differently if they would have the chance to re-live their lives?" He consistently found three reoccurring answers:
  1. Risk more! Risk implementing new ideas, risk getting involved in more relationships, and just try more things!
  2. Reflect more! Spend time processing life, maybe even evaluating the previous weeks joys & struggles. Blog?
  3. Leave a legacy! Do as much as possible in accomplishing goals that had eternal impact. In other words - their epitaph would reflect something that they had done in life that they would be remembered for.

What a challenge & opportunity for personal growth!



Jeremy said...

Happy New Year, Garth. Nice to see the words popping up again on the site.

Challenge and opportunity, indeed! A great lesson in three simple points.

Garth said...

Hey Jer!

The holidays do a number on blogging don't they. Ironically, when I've posted the most it has been when i've been the busiest. Perhaps more to reflect on or maybe the more need to reflect?