Monday, January 10, 2005

The Calling

I received Covey's recent book The 8th Habit for Christmas and have been very impressed by both the book & the accompanying dvd. Ironically, the book's central premise lines up with my personal mission statement. My personal mission is to "Live out my calling with creativity, inspiring (& teaching) others to fulfill their callings. " Covey's book is divided into two main sections: 1. Find Your Voice & 2. Inspire Others to Find Their Voice. We each have a unique voice in this world and I believe a unique calling. If I were in the business world, I could say we each have a USP or a unique selling point. Covey uses the same three letters in a different combination, he says that voice is our unique personal significance (ups) or how I stated it - our calling. He continues to say that our voice lies at the nexus of talent, passion, need, & conscience.

Identity is destiny?


1 comment:

Garth said...

Well worth the cover price! I actually found the hardcover at Costco on sale for $21.99. Only problem with costco that its pretty much impossible to leave the place without spending a $100 on stuff you didn't plan on buying.