Thursday, July 15, 2004

Shiny Happy Teeth...

I don't think I rant often but here's one for ya!

You know the whole dental profession is an odd one...what is it that attracts people to become dental hygenists or dentists? Are they people who just have a thing for teeth? Are they obsessive about cleaning their own teeth? You ask - why my comments on dentistry...well I went for my annual check-up & cleaning.

Admittedly - its been a few too many years since my last visit. And yes - I don't floss enough. I have no valid excuses for not going sooner other than not having a dental plan for awhile and I couldn't make an appointment that fit my schedule... But hey - i finally got an appointment and went back to the chair of torture with a positive attitude and ready for plaque removal!

Maybe I dislike dentistry because I hate the lecture on flossing or the nagging "you need to come in more regularly!" Here's the best one - have you considered pulling out your wisdom teeth? It would make it easier for you to clean your back teeth! I'm not sure why I would get teeth pulled for no other reason than being able to clean my next set of molars better?! Umm - maybe so the dentist can take out his wife for a fancy steak supper!

Well despite the lectures my teeth do feel clean and I am sure glad to not have any teeth pulled or filled or drilled! And I survived my tooth examination without revealing any cavities!



BTW - I have again updated my homepage with new pics! And despite my rant I am enjoying my shiny happy teeth! My apologies to any dental hygenists I may have offended - dentists make enough money that I need to make no apologies to them!

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