Sunday, August 29, 2004

Calm Before The Storm

Well - I've got less than a week and half before I'm back on the saddle again. I'm looking forward to teaching again (do I ever actually stop learning or teaching?) and attempting to inspire young minds to do great things. I realize though - my lifestyle will soon change from summer mode to speeder mode. Right now during my prep time - I spend a few days prepping a lecture. Then - it will be 3-4 hours prep-time then teach then back to prep. Two new courses Interpersonal Processes & the Psalms. Ironically - both are about communication. The first being more focused on communicating with other people and the second communicating with God. Martin Buber has been a blessing in disguise in that regard.

I find it happens often though - subjects flowing into others. Just like people - relationships love to ooze and collide with other situations or people. Soon I will be put back into the gladiator ring of education and chaos will rule. Even now I'm longing for a time-out, an escape, a holiday on a warm tropical island. But I love it. I embrace the chaos & confusion. I love to see minds challenged, thoughts created, ideas inspired, to go where no teacher has gone before!

Right now is the calm before the storm. How will be able to put sabbath into my week? How will I escape to recuperate, to refocus, to re-energize? For me - it's always involved God's creation - the great outdoors!


BTW - Aimee is three weeks old! Chelsea has a nasty scar on her forehead from a collision with a door but is loving being a big sister. Wendy is doing much better but too is not looking forward to me being away at college or me working long hours.

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