Friday, July 24, 2009

Youth & Stupidity


Keira said...

Nice theory. And if it weren't for television, none of that would be possible. Television opened up channels of information for illiterates . . . the line between adulthood and childhood was smashed. Marketers were able to target the youth.
I think that's about half of the explanation of the suckiness that's going on. The root? Evil multi-national corporations.

Garth said...

I would add to your thought that it would have been radio, followed by TV, and now of course the Internet that influences what is cool. I use an amazing documentary by Frontline called the Merchants of Cool which dives behind the scenes of the INDUSTRY that perpetuates's a few years old now but it still hits home how even a music concert is used to sell things like Coca Cola, other music, clothing, etc.

Also of value is Dr. Suess classic book: The Lorax - which takes stab not only at the foolishness of consumerism but also how it affects the environment.