Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Well - our respite from winter is apparently over! It is officially cold here again complete with 5 inches of snow and yes I have shoveled my driveway twice now! I guess our Albertan friends send us some of their cold temps - with windchill I think it must be -23 or so! So yeah - I'm ready for a warm getaway but apparently I'm stuck marking papers & preparing exams for our end of the semester in just a couple weeks. Brrr!!!


Garth said...

You know it's cold when your nostrils freeze shut when exhaling...sorry Nikki apparently it can get a little tundra like in the prairie provinces come winter! Hey thanks again for the recommend on city and colour - it definitely is making into my setlist for weekly listening. I listen to a lot of music while marking - it somehow takes away some of the monotony of it all...anyways back to marking...grrr!!!

Garth said...

Yep Nikki I've got some Imogen Heap - I think i first heard them on some TV soundtrack for Smallville or something trendy. They sound a bit like Psapp who do the theme song to Grey's Anatomy if memory serves me right.

Oh and it is still cold - 19 or something insane...