Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Radio Interview & Blog Merge

So I finally merged my old explore play blog with my musings blog - and they got married! I'm glad Blogger finally got that feature figured out.

So post-Coldplay recap - my voice is a little strained & still in morning deep-tonality - perfect for a radio interview right. Anyways the local radio station needed a concert review of the show so I shared a couple highlights and I think it went well - it aired at 8:40am and my kids got to hear it - so they were stoked! Of course my daughter Chelsea reminded me that her friends' dad was on the radio everyday and that was his job. :) We actually have a number of friends involved in radio. Honestly - I play my own mixes much more often than listening to radio stations - I just like my mixes right? But hearing local news & talk radio has value don't get me wrong.

Hmm...next concert just around the corner and then I head to Texas for a week. Hot! Hot! Hot! We finally got the sun & the heat + 28 degrees yesterday and the forecast looks great for the week - prep for the deep south I guess!

1 comment:

Rondell said...

Congratulations on your wedding!