Thursday, June 04, 2009

Preparing For What's Next

Okay - so this blog has been set aside for a long time. Apparently, this happens in the life & death of blogs but I'm not giving up yet. I can see life emerging after a long cold winter - it might be slow but tiny sprigs of green will emerge. We've had a long season of winter this year in Manitoba - not sure why but our spring really was slow this year! So in the spirit of re-awakening - my goal is to record my thoughts a little more regularly.

You see - I'm preparing for what's next! I'm in the midst of exploring life in the context of a future sabbatical come January 2010. We will be traveling as a family overseas to a location yet to be disclosed but it will be warmer than Canada! I hope to capture that experience on an online journal of sorts - along with pictures taken along the way.

Okay but right now you are thinking but hold on - what are you going to do in the meantime? Well other than planning & dreaming - I'm not really sure. I suppose this will be a good place to figure it all out! I'm looking forward to exploring play wherever I am. Tomorrow I'm off on a short backpacking trip with a colleague of mine along with two student friends of his. We are tackling a section of the Mantario trail which I haven't been on for awhile. Looking forward to it! Hopefully the rain is done before we step on to the trail!

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