Monday, April 07, 2008

To Bike is To Explore

I'm super-stoked that my daughter Chelsea has finally mastered the art of cycling...she was really close to it clicking last fall and would go about 10 or so feet by herself. But now she is able to start on her own, safely do circuits and come to complete stop without wiping out! We've had a cold spring so far but we've taken advantage of plus temps.
I went for a nice 36km loop myself on the road bike with Pat & Paul - strong wind but it helped a bit on the stretch home. Gotta love two wheels for exploring this planet! I still remember my dad teaching me to bike on our front lawn and that feeling of freedom once I got the hang of it. I'm so proud of my daughter in how she is confident on her bike as well. The girl is fast - and I've taken up running apparently to keep up!


Anonymous said...

Dude, practically same day, same story on my side!

Garth said...

Very cool = now we need to take them to Echo Valley eh? Any summer vacation plans?

Garth said...

Actually I guess it was the same day - as her actual first ride was on Sunday, the pictures are from Monday and she basically has ridden every day since. Today we went for a good 4kms and are practicing road rules & driving in the grass when meeting people on the bicycle/walking path we have in town.