Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Escaping the Doldrums

It's been awhile since I've last reflected on the actual focus of this online journal - exploring play. Play can be a distraction from life and clearly we all need to just getaway sometimes but I believe that play can actually help us focus on what life is all about. The lives we live should be full and absolutely play-full. It is through play that we discover what we lose in our busyness - joy for being creative, for being alive!

When we exercise our bodies, our minds, etc. through play we awaken what was lost in the doldrums or in the fast-lane of traffic. How often do the threat of looming deadlines kill our spirit or murky the waters where clarity once existed? Nobody likes to be the Eeyore, the prophet of impending failure - right?

Exploring play is all about changing pace - maybe slowing down or turning a corner or even just resting & contemplating ones' existence. Play can be about asking questions like why do we do what we do? Play can be philosophy just as much as it can be about escaping. Play can bring us back to the importance of relationship - of genuine presence in the lives of others. Are we strangers in the night? When is the last time you laughed? When is the last time you were good and kissed? When is the last time you enjoyed exploring play?

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