Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Recent Snow Biking Pics

Recent snowfall and a brother who willingly took pics with my camera reveal some cool results of yours truly!
Somewhere near Star Lake - on a short hidden trail created by the Friesen Brothers.
Freestylin' for the Camera...
Tricky traction but lots of fun!


Cyn said...

Great pics. Here on the East Coast we have yet to see any snow, but I've got my studs ready to go.

Jeremy said...

Agreed -- this is a great set of photos. I particularly like the last one with the trail showing through the snow.

Garth said...

Thanks - for a change I really can't take credit for the photos...usually I'm the one taking them but this time I just got to ride! The snow is basically all melted now so it was a temporary change of scenery...

Jeremy said...

That amount of snow can be kinda fun, although you really notice when your tires are a bit worn...need good knobbies for that stuff. Nice when someone else can take photos of you for a change, eh?