Saturday, October 28, 2006

More Riding...

I've been fighting this cold for over two weeks and it just doesn't want to die! It (my cold) seemed to lull a bit last weekend but maybe the stress of snow again caused it rear its ugly head in my throat, nose, & lungs. Its hard to keep teaching when ones' voice is so raw. So despite continued congestion & coughing - I joined Jason on a ride on a pretty amazing day weather-wise. It was a bit breezy out in the open but in the bush a balmy 5 degrees C or so.

Pat joined us for a bit as well but had been involved in the clean-up of the ski trails with the Sandilands Ski Club earlier on. We rode down a few of the trails - the Green, Purple, & Red and checked it for fallen branches, etc. but it all had already been walked & new signs installed in the morning. We mooched off some hot soup at the ranger station from some of the other volunteers and rode a bit more on a short loop. No real significant highlights other than it was good to spin the wheels and stretch the legs - 19kms later we were back on the van and headed for home.

Wendy did her annual pumpkin carving with her friend Kerri - while I looked after the girls for the evening complete with a Dora The Explorer video & chicken noodle soup. Time change tonight - means our rides in the evening will be completely in the dark...if it was up to me it would stay dark till 9 or 10am and we could still ride till 9pm in the light.

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