Monday, February 18, 2008

Dealing With It...

So here I sit at my Dell watching my words spill out on to this blog post. I've been battling a cold all weekend, a migraine taking me out completely on Saturday. I had the lofty goals of going for a ski that day but no energy or willpower could be mustered due to my weakened state. So instead of exploring play outdoors - I've spent most of my weekend indoors. Even my body winces as I cough out, revealing a soreness throughout my back, neck & joints. I'll admit it freely that I'm a complete "suck" when it comes to being sick.

Tomorrow it is back to teaching and I still have some prep to do - might be time to go with a dvd back-up lecturer or a small group time. We'll see how it all works out. I also have much to do in preparing for this next weekends' retreat at Camp Arnes. I'm looking forward to connecting with some junior highers from my home area and hopefully encouraging them in their journeys through life.

I'm looking forward to traveling this spring to Thailand with a group of young adults from our church to do some teaching, construction, & help out an orphanage. I'm guessing the photo ops will be prime and perhaps my writing will get a good igniter as well. Traveling for me has always helped my musings on life.

I'm also looking ahead to a summer of outdoor play with my youngest child Zachary - he should be in full-on run mode by then, and my girls hopefully will be furthering their cycling abilities. So much to look forward to but lots to be done before then. Cheers to getting better and curses to this dreaded cough that threatens my very breath.

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