Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Getting Back to Blogging

Wow - okay apparently it has been awhile since I've posted! Not sure why that it is other than the valid excuse of being pre-occupied by summer and spending time with family. My musings of course continue, as do my random thoughts & wanderings...but I admit to being a complete slacker for the past few weeks. We've done some traveling, cottaging, yardwork, cycling, photography, swimming, exploring the great outdoors and visiting local parks. I'll try and post some pics from the last month which I'm still sorting through...I know I've deleted well over a hundred (I do make some mistakes) and probably have about 400 shots that have survived my judgment (I am tough on my photos).

Wendy and I are loving our family: Zachary is continuing to be a growing joy in our lives (he's taken up karate or some form of martial arts along with smiling, cooing & wooing? to whoever he meets), Aimee is still my sparkling wonder who loves to be hugged, carried around, or pushed on the swing, and Chelsea loves exploring the limits of her balance, strength, & speed in whatever sport she's attempting (namely swinging, runbiking, swimming, & climbing). It is still hard to believe we are a family of 5 persons right now and it is admittedly yet more of a challenge loading up the Escape for our infrequent escapes to the cottage, the city, church, or visiting friends & family.

So yeah - August has arrived and my escape from the office is coming quickly to an end. I'm going to try and transition it all, already doing some reading & research, but yeah this ship is about to set sail for another year of education with a touch of revolution & hopefully inspiration!

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